Dlink WiFi Extender Setup

Want to boost the coverage of your home network? Well, you can increase the WiFi network coverage with the D-Link range Extender Setup. It extends the existing signals of the router device to remove the dead zone areas at your home or office. It also helps in decreasing the interference and offering backward compatibility with WiFi devices. With the D-Link WiFi extender setup, you can configure and manage the setting of your extender device. To use the features of the D-Link range extender, you need to complete the D-Link WiFi extender setup. Here, in this article, you will get to know the simple steps for the D-Link range Extender Setup. Let’s get started.

Quick Steps for D-Link Range Extender Setup via WPS Method


Follow the below steps for D-Link range Extender Setup by using the WPS method: 

Instructions for D-Link Range Extender Login

Go through the below steps for D-Link range Extender Setup login:Dlinkap-local-setup

Instructions for D-Link range Extender Setup Using Web Browser

Go through the below instructions for D-Link range extender setup by using the web browser:


Troubleshooting Tricks for D-Link WiFi Extender Setup

During the D-Link WiFi extender setup, there is the possibility the user may face difficulty. To resolve these issues, you can perform the reset process. A simple reset of the D-Link extender can help fix the problem by deleting all the customized settings and configurations. Follow the below steps for D-Link extender reset:

Thus, by following the above-written steps, you can easily do a D-Link WiFi extender setup on your device. If you still face difficulty then contact the support expert team for the best advice and solution to the problem.


We have briefed you about D-Link WiFi extender setup. These steps are easy to follow and will help you regain your functionality back. Thus, by following the above-written steps, you can easily do a D-Link WiFi extender setup on your device. However, if you still face any difficulty then contact our support expert team for the best advice and solutions to the problem. Call us or chat with our experts for immediate solutions